Soul Readings
What is a Soul Reading?
During a 50 minute Psychic Soul Reading, Bella connects with her guide Siri and channels information regarding the client’s unconscious soul wishes and needs. She also connects with Past Life, ‘this life’ and Ancestral emotional blockages and traumas, with a view to identifying what type of soul healing is needed to fully release their potential.
When a client first makes contact, they can feel emotionally overwhelmed and be experiencing physical or mental anxiety. A remote Soul Reading helps them to hear the ‘Voice of the Soul’. During our normal busy daily life this is often drowned out by the mind and ego; once the channeled reading begins, the client can connect consciously with the messages they’re given, which helps them to gain feelings of peace, clarity and motivation.
Clients often use this profound soul connection for spiritual guidance; a means of using their intention to manifest a more positive future. The insight and purpose gained by a Soul Reading can be life changing; the clarity it provides is often pivotal in forming plans for future goals as you move forward in life.